domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013


Losing yourself is the way to find yourself.

As you know I got baptized two years ago in Las Vegas, I’m so happy to go on a mission and be able to preach the gospel.
 Since I got baptized I’ve been discovering things about myself that I never knew existed. Traveling does that to you, I suppose. You’re put into a new situation with CRAZY opportunities and you begin to find yourself through the experiences you have and people you meet along the way. That’s made me to embrace a new culture and be able to see myself with new spiritual eyes.
As I begin to discover all the opportunities I begin to realize how much heavenly father has given to me. He has given me LIFE and HOPE. Every day I’m here I feel more and more called to give back what has already given me so much. SO when the missionary asked me to take upon myself the name of Christ and be baptized… I did it and here I am.
Now, I want you to think… Where can I serve and both lose myself and find myself at the same time?. Think about it for a moment….
When I think about service I think about the members of the church that are always helping others without a doubt. They have the word “Service” already in their mind. One of the greatest examples of service is the Warden family. They got me baptized, loved me and helped me so much, it was the pure love of Christ. It does not matter where you are, the church is a big family, and wherever I go I find someone who inspires me like the MacArthur’s, Sister Crockett, the missionaries who taught me.
I really like the idea of losing oneself in a good way: in order to find ourselves, our true north, and our purpose. When I give, I grow.  I feel like I’m living a more complete and true life. When I get, I feel good, but it’s not the same. When I do get, I am sure to take note of the pleasure and joy that the process offers for the giver, the true core of a person is the part that is not selfish and which works for others, is more like becoming selfless and altruistic by doing good to others, we are most essentially ourselves.
In President Monson's remarks about the Lord "ministering to the one," I find it interesting that when people focus on others and not on themselves, they are often touched and impressed by qualities they see in them without realizing they also have many of those qualities.
On the other hand, when people become focused on themselves, every fault they perceive in themselves they tend to project onto those around them.
It's the difference between looking inward and looking out.
I have to think that's also one of the sweetest moments in gospel living.
It’s all about Christ, and about our relationship with Him.
He wanted us to find ourselves in the lives of others.
The day we can admire someone for their virtues without realizing we, ourselves, embody those virtues, that's the day we — I think — become fellow citizens with the Saints.
That's the day we truly start living.
I believe that Matthew 25:40 helps make a little better sense of this. This is the verse where the Lord states "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." 

This is further clarified in the Book of Mormon in Mosiah 2:17 which states: "I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."

These scriptures suggest that when people lose themselves in the service of others, they are doing the Lord's work and will find themselves on the right hand of Him who offers eternal life. From this perspective, those words take on even greater meaning - at least to me.
Nothing makes me happier than go and serve a mission. A mission is about losing yourself on service. Is not about you anymore is about your companion your investigator. Is about to find yourself trough the pure love of Christ. I’ll love to go and loose myself in Boston then.
I know this Church is true. I have no doubt that president Monson is our modern prophet that the book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.
I Say this things in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.